The Art of Ghost CMS Membership: How to Create Engaging Subscriber-Exclusive Content

3 min read


The article discusses how to create engaging and exclusive content for subscribers using membership sites, with tips on optimizing blogs for mobile readers, using plugins, and creating subscriber-only content.



Membership sites are a great way to create engaging and exclusive content for your subscribers. You'll get more subscribers, which increases the likelihood that they'll stay. Your members will feel like they're part of an exclusive club. And using a subscription-based model can help you focus on the most important features of your site without worrying about traffic or ad revenue.

Membership sites are a great way to create engaging and exclusive content for your subscribers.

Membership sites are a great way to create engaging and exclusive content for your subscribers. They're also an effective way to drive up the sales of higher-priced packages or services, as well as generate recurring revenue from memberships in general.

Memberships can help you sell higher-priced packages or services (e.g., ebooks) because they provide a platform where members can engage with each other and interact with you directly. This makes it easier for them to see how much value they'd get out of purchasing something that's more expensive than what's offered elsewhere on the web--and if they do decide to buy something from you, then it'll be easier for them since they already have some sort of relationship with someone else who has bought from you before!

You'll get more subscribers, which increases the likelihood that they'll stay.

You'll get more subscribers, which increases the likelihood that they'll stay.

Subscribers are more likely to buy higher-priced packages or services.

Your members will feel like they're part of an exclusive club.

Your members will feel like they're part of an exclusive club.

Membership sites are a great way to create engaging and exclusive content for your subscribers, which helps you build trust with them and keeps them coming back for more. The longer they stay on the site, the more likely it is that they'll become long-term customers who buy from you again and again.

Memberships can help you sell higher-priced packages or services.

Memberships can help you sell higher-priced packages or services.

If you're an agency, membership is a great way to increase revenue by selling more products and services. If your business model is based on selling ebooks and courses, membership can be an excellent way to generate recurring revenue from existing customers.

You can use memberships to create a community where members help each other out.

Membership sites can be a great place for community members to help each other out. For example, you might have a membership site where members share their knowledge and resources with each other. This could be as simple as offering tips on how to improve your business or personal life, or it could extend into more detailed advice on things like health and fitness.

Membership sites also make it easy for members to give back by allowing them to contribute content--whether that's writing articles themselves or sharing their own experiences with others who are struggling with similar issues (for example: "I had trouble finding local businesses online so I created my own directory!").

Using a subscription-based model can help you focus on the most important features of your site without worrying about traffic or ad revenue.

The subscription-based model can help you focus on the most important features of your site without worrying about traffic or ad revenue.

For example, if you're creating an online store with a membership component and want to offer exclusive products to subscribers, you'll be able to do that without having to worry about whether or not anyone will buy them. You can also create subscriber-only content that doesn't compete with ads because it isn't displayed on the homepage or other pages where ads would appear. This will make it easier for users who are already subscribed--and therefore already interested in what's being offered--to get what they need while still keeping things simple for those who aren't yet members but might become one in the future (or vice versa).

A successful membership website can give you more time to work on what matters most and make sure it's done well.

A successful membership website can give you more time to work on what matters most and make sure it's done well.

You can focus on the customer experience, which is critical for building a loyal audience that sticks around for the long haul. Membership sites are all about creating an immersive experience for your subscribers--they want to feel like they're part of something special, but also that their needs are being met as individuals (and not just "members").

You'll also have more time to spend on the product itself: making sure it performs as expected, designing new features or functionality based on customer feedback, etc. This means fewer bugs in your app or website and higher quality content overall because you've invested so much effort into making sure each piece of content meets high standards before publishing it publicly (or even privately).


We hope this post has given you some ideas for how you can use membership sites to create engaging content for your subscribers. Membership is a great way to build a community and make sure your members feel like they're part of something special. By using the tips in this post, you'll be on your way to building an amazing membership site!

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