Unleashing the Power of Ghost CMS: Essential Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Your Blog's Potential

4 min read


The article discusses how to take advantage of Ghost CMS's features to make your blog more interactive and engaging, including tips on creating engaging subscriber-exclusive content, optimizing your blog for mobile readers, and using plugins to enhance your blog's functionality.



Your blog is your opportunity to build a following, share valuable content and educate your audience. It is also a great tool for building authority. Ghost is one of the easiest to use and most powerful blog platforms out there today. This article will provide an overview of how to take advantage of Ghost's features to make your blog more interactive and engaging.

Your blog is your opportunity to build a following, share valuable content and educate your audience. It is also a great tool for building authority. Ghost is one of the easiest to use and most powerful blog platforms out there today. This article will provide an overview of how to take advantage of Ghost's features to make your blog more interactive and engaging.

Ghost was created by John O'Nolan in 2013, who has been involved in many successful open source projects including Wordpress (he co-founded it), GitHub (which he sold for $100 million), Bitbucket (the code hosting platform) as well as many others. He continues his work on these projects at Automattic which now owns Ghost CMS software development company known as "Zencoder."

Ghost is free software that allows anyone with little technical knowledge about web design & development create high quality websites without having any programming knowledge required!

Create a Blog Theme

Now that you've decided to use a blogging platform, it's time to choose an appropriate theme. There are many free themes available for Ghost CMS and these can be found on the official website of Ghost or other third-party sources such as ThemeForest. When choosing a theme for your blog, keep in mind some important factors:

  • Responsive/mobile friendly - Your theme should work well across all devices including desktop computers, laptops and mobile phones. If possible make sure it comes with responsive design so that it adjusts automatically according to device size.
  • Easy customizable - You should be able to customize every aspect of your site without having any coding skills whatsoever (or at least not much). The best way is if there is an option for customization through shortcode but even better would be one where you can edit CSS directly from within WordPress' dashboard itself!
  • SEO friendly - This means that search engines like Google will rank well because they recognize what content exists on each page (and how often). Make sure there aren't any duplicate titles/meta descriptions across pages either because this could cause issues down the road when trying get more traffic from organic searches alone."

Make It Mobile Friendly

It's no secret that mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic. If you want to reach the widest audience, it makes sense to make your blog mobile friendly.

Mobile users are also often looking for quick answers or specific information--and they're not going to wait around while their browser loads up a bunch of heavy images and videos. By making sure your content is optimized for mobile readers, you can increase engagement with those visitors who may otherwise be put off by a slow-loading site and give them an opportunity to convert into paying customers (if that's what you're after).

You can check if your site is mobile friendly using Google's Mobile Friendly Test tool here: https://testmysiteonmobile.com/

Use Plugins

To get the most out of your blog, you'll want to use plugins. A plugin is an add-on that can be used to enhance your blog's functionality and add new features. Plugins are easy to install and configure, and they can be found in the Ghost Marketplace or on GitHub.

Plugins provide everything from contact forms and Google Analytics integration all the way up through eCommerce stores (which we'll cover later). Some even let you create custom post types like quizzes or galleries!

Create a Custom Homepage Header Image

If you're going to create a custom home page header image, it's important that you use a high-quality image. The first impression that your blog makes on its readers is the most important one of all. If they see an amateurish or low-quality image, they may think less of your blog as a whole and never return again.

To create this type of header image in Ghost CMS:

  • Go into Settings > Theme Options (or click on 'Settings' in the top right corner).
  • Under 'Header Image,' select "Custom Header" from drop down menu at bottom left corner of screen (1). Then click "Upload" button to upload an image from your computer or choose from existing images in Google Drive or Dropbox accounts connected with your Ghost account (2).

Add Google Analytics Tracking Code

Google Analytics is a free tool that you can use to track your website's traffic, conversions and other important metrics. It's also the most widely used analytics platform in the world, with over 80% of all websites using it to monitor their traffic. Google Analytics allows you to view detailed reports on how people are interacting with your blog so that you can improve its performance over time.

For example, if someone visits one article on your site but doesn't read any other posts before leaving (or even worse--they leave immediately after landing) then this could mean that there was something wrong with either: 1) The article itself; 2) The way it was presented (such as being too long or dense); 3) Or maybe even both! By finding out what caused visitors not finish reading an article or browse any further than just one page on our site we can make sure future content meets their needs better by addressing those issues first."

Your blog should be set up properly so that it can grow and improve over time.

  • Your blog should be set up properly so that it can grow and improve over time.
  • A good theme will make your life easier, but there are a few things that you need to know about creating one yourself.
  • Choose your colors carefully! You don't want to choose something that clashes with the design or makes it difficult for readers to see what they're reading (or both). You also want people coming back because of how much they love how easy it is on their eyes, not because they just want their eyes checked out by an optometrist after looking at all those bright colors for too long!
  • Make sure everything loads quickly and seamlessly no matter what device someone is using -- especially if you have a mobile version of your site as well!


Ghost is one of the easiest to use and most powerful blog platforms out there today. This article will provide an overview of how to take advantage of Ghost's features to make your blog more interactive and engaging.

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Copper penny is one of the colors in the special set of metallic Crayola crayons called Silver Swirls, the colors of which were formulated by Crayola in 1990.

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